Introduction to HTML

Introduction :

HTML is a framework language/Markup language, its not a programming language. The full meaning of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language. If anyone want to be a web developer, obviously must be they should learn HTML. It's easy and interesting language for beginner.
If you want to learning HTML you don't have any basic idea about programming. Because, It's basic language for beginner. 

Development Tools :

You can learn this language with Text Editor/Note Pad, Note Pad++, Dreamweaver, Net-Beans, Online Editor etc.
you can download and install above anyone IDE to use as HTML editor.
If you want to use online editor click below on HTML & CSS line_

                                                Online HTML & CSS

if you want to use online editor, you have to confirm internet connection.

When you learning HTML you should be knowing about some HTML keywords. Like_

1. Element
2. Tag
3. Attributes

Because, Mainly full HTML structure are based on this three element.

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